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Latest Startup Jobs – 15 Apr 2010


We Want You - Job Board - developers, programmers, designers, IT jobsIf you are reading SGEntrepreneurs, you are probably already partial to startups, perhaps having founded one yourself or are working in one.

If not, why not consider joining a dynamic startup to see for yourself what it is like working with just two other people in your entire company?

If you are looking for a job as a developer, programmer, or you want something in business development, sales, or perhaps you are a designer and looking for creative jobs, check out these newly listed open positions at these diverse startups.

Two positions at Bitsmedia (Singapore based Mobile Apps Factory specializing in the development of iPhone applications):

  • (1) Lead Engineer, Mobile Applications
  • (2) Mobile Applications Developer
    (Bitsmedia is a Microsoft BizSpark startup!)

    Also available: Software Developer (Web Technologies) at Mobile Sorcery with MoSync (mobile application development SDK)

    (Mobile Sorcery/Mosync is a Microsoft BizSpark startup!)

    Visit the portal for more job vacancies.

    Dedicated at startups, a job listing at Triple Point Job Board can cost as low as $25 and together with our partner sites, we have combined monthly pageviews of 0.25 million that reach individuals who love code, beautiful design, innovative businesses and creative thinking. For a job seeker who wants to work in startups, this is a perfect tool to find that position that you’ve been looking for. It costs nothing to browse and apply for a position.

    Image courtesy of arxetures, CC.

    This post Latest Startup Jobs – 15 Apr 2010 appeared first on Tech in Asia.

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